Kosuke Onishi

Kosuke Onishi is the policy adviser to Helen Durham, the Director of International Law and Policy at the International Committee of the Red Cross at its headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland.
Prior to this position, he worked as a legal attaché and a humanitarian affairs adviser for the ICRC Delegation to the United Nations in New York, where he will return in January 2020.
Kosuke holds an MA in global politics and law from Doshisha and Sheffield Universities (dual degree), a LLM in public international law from Leiden University and is currently a PhD candidate (on leave) at Doshisha University in Kyoto, Japan.
Posts by the contributor
‘Act today, shape tomorrow’: the 33rd International Conference
7 mins read Counterterrorism / Generating Respect for IHL / Humanitarian Principles / Sexual Violence Helen Durham & Kosuke Onishi