Asanga Tilakaratne

Asanga Tilakaratne (PhD University of Hawai’i) is emeritus professor of Buddhist Studies and founder head of the Department of Buddhist Studies at University of Colombo, Sri Lanka, and former director of Postgraduate Institute of Pali and Buddhist Studies, University of Kelaniya. Professor Tilakaratne has taught in many universities in different parts of the world, and has published, in Sinhala and English, on Buddhist studies. Recently (August 2020) his collected works have been published in eight volumes (03 in Sinhala and 05 in English) by Sarasavi Publishers, Nugegoda, Sri Lanka. In 2003 he founded Damrivi Foundation for spiritual, social and economic development, a not for profit organization and continues to function as its chairman.
Posts by the contributor
GCIII Commentary: a Buddhist perspective on the treatment of prisoners of war
7 mins read Analysis / Conduct of Hostilities / GCIII Commentary / Generating Respect for IHL / History / Humanitarian Action / Humanitarian Principles / Law and Conflict / Religion Asanga Tilakaratne, Peter Harvey, Sunil Kariyakarawana & Andrew Bartles-Smith