Andrew Bartles-Smith

Andrew Bartles-Smith is ICRC’s Regional Adviser for Humanitarian Affairs in Asia. Andrew has pioneered ICRC engagement with religious circles across Asia, and leads its ongoing project on ‘Reducing Suffering During Conflict: The Interface Between Buddhism and IHL’, organizing an international conference on this topic in Dambulla, Sri Lanka in 2019.
Andrew and his team convene conferences, workshops and webinars with religious circles across the region to promote research and debate on correspondences between IHL and religious principles, and to explore means by which the ICRC can collaborate with religious circles and other stakeholders to meet common humanitarian challenges.
Posts by the contributor
GCIII Commentary: a Buddhist perspective on the treatment of prisoners of war
7 mins read Analysis / Conduct of Hostilities / GCIII Commentary / Generating Respect for IHL / History / Humanitarian Action / Humanitarian Principles / Law and Conflict / Religion Asanga Tilakaratne, Peter Harvey, Sunil Kariyakarawana & Andrew Bartles-Smith