The importance of psychosocial support for families missing loved ones – Review edition launch June 26, 2019 5 mins read Events and highlights / Humanitarian Action Ellen Policinski On 29 March 2019, the International Review of the Red Cross edition on ‘The Missing’ was launched at the Galle Face Hotel in ...
Humanitarian Action: The need to scale back, not up June 20, 2019 9 mins read Humanitarian Action / Humanitarian Principles / The most read blog posts in 2019 Marc DuBois Your father has a heart attack. The ambulance crew arrives in minutes. They save his ...
Digital risks for populations in armed conflict: Five key gaps the humanitarian sector should address June 12, 2019 8 mins read Cyber / Human Costs of Cyber / Humanitarian Action / Technology in Humanitarian Action Delphine van Solinge The Digital Revolution is affecting the lives of people around the world, from connected citizens ...
Potential human costs of cyber operations—Key ICRC takeaways from discussion with tech experts May 29, 2019 11 mins read Conduct of Hostilities / Human Costs of Cyber / Humanitarian Action / Law and Conflict / New Technologies / The most read blog posts in 2019 Laurent Gisel & Lukasz Olejnik Cyber attacks and their consequences are on top of the agenda around the world. Cyber ...
Intro to blog series on human costs of cyber operations May 23, 2019 2 mins read Cyber / Human Costs of Cyber / Humanitarian Action / Law and Conflict Cyber attacks, defence and security are increasingly high on the agenda of legal, policy and ...
Masculinity and humanitarianism May 20, 2019 9 mins read Gender / Gender and conflict / Humanitarian Action / Identity / Sexual Violence Graham Parsons As I write, a boy, no older than 2, is bouncing around the café, laughing ...
The masculine condition in contemporary warfare May 14, 2019 13 mins read Gender / Gender and conflict / Humanitarian Action / Identity Gilbert Holleufer Hugo Slim, in a piece entitled Masculinity and war—let’s talk about it, puts his finger ...
Just out! ‘Conflict in Syria’, a new issue of the Review April 11, 2019 11 mins read Humanitarian Action / Law and Conflict / Religion / Review-related Ellen Policinski In 2011, protests in Syria descended into violence and chaos. Eight years later, this once ...
Displaced in cities: Who are the hosts? February 12, 2019 11 mins read Humanitarian Action / Migration Zoë Jordan The recent ICRC report, Displaced in Cities, shines a much-needed light on experiences of hosting IDPs in urban centres. This is an increasing ...
5 things that make ICRC confidential information unsuitable for legal proceedings January 31, 2019 17 mins read Humanitarian Action / Humanitarian Principles / Law and Conflict Elem Khairullin Due to the specificities of its work, the ICRC can at times be the only ...
Is arms control over emerging technologies just a peacetime luxury? Lessons learned from the First World War January 18, 2019 14 mins read History / Humanitarian Action / Law and Conflict / Weapons Eric Germain At the turn of the twentieth century, many engineers with fertile imaginations—from France’s Gustave Gabet to America’s Orville Wright—hoped that their inventions would ...
The price of virtual proximity: How humanitarian organizations’ digital trails can put people at risk December 7, 2018 6 mins read Accountability / Humanitarian Action / Technology in Humanitarian Action Tina Bouffet & Massimo Marelli Your text messages, phone calls, social media posts and cash transfers can say a lot ...