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Province de la frontière du Nord-Ouest, aussi connue sous le nom de Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Hôpital chirurgical de Peshawar. North-West Frontier Province, now known as Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Peshawar, field surgical hospital. The aim of the ICRC facility is to respond to weapon wounded patients from the ongoing conflict along the Pakistan-Afghan border area, including North West Frontier Province (NWFP) and Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA).The goal of the surgical hospital is to provide substantial and relevant surgical assistance according to needs by providing a surgical facility specialising in the treatment of weapon wounded patients within ICRC war surgical protocols. All patients, combatant or civilian are eligible to be treated in accordance with the ICRC mission. The facility, provided by the Finnish Red Cross, has a capacity of 60 beds in the field hospital with a further 90 available in a future permanent structure adjacent to the site. It is fully equipped with operating theatre, X-ray facilities, laboratories, physiotherapy and an Intensive Care Unit (ICU). 145 National staff are employed with a further 18 multinational specialist medical staff from surgeons to radiographers and anaesthetists. Furthermore, ICRC facilitates training for health staff from FATA in the management of weapon-wounded patients. From August to December 2008, the ICRC treated 442 weapon-wounded patients. The first patients were admitted to the new facility on 18th February 2009.

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