The complex neutrality of commercial space actors in armed conflict November 16, 2023 12 mins read Analysis / Communications / Humanitarian Principles / Outer Space / Technology in Humanitarian Action / War, law, and outer space Guoyu Wang During an international armed conflict, commercial space actors under the jurisdiction or control of a ...
A human-centered approach to outer space security: how to boost UN efforts in the near-term November 9, 2023 10 mins read Analysis / Disarmament / Outer Space / Technology in Humanitarian Action / War, law, and outer space Michael Spies Technological trends and the rapid expansion of activity in outer space are creating a new ...
How would IHL apply to hostilities in outer space? November 2, 2023 16 mins read Analysis / IHL / Outer Space / Scope of application / War, law, and outer space Svenja Berrang Despite the longstanding efforts of the international community to prevent an arms race in outer ...
Space security governance: steps to limit the human costs of military operations in outer space August 22, 2023 13 mins read Analysis / Law and Conflict / Outer Space / Technology in Humanitarian Action / War, law, and outer space / Weapons Nivedita Raju Civilians are heavily dependent on space systems for everyday life. Yet, those same space systems ...
Reducing the civilian cost of military counterspace operations August 17, 2023 14 mins read Analysis / Avoiding civilian harm during military cyber operations / Communications / IHL / Law and Conflict / New Technologies / Outer Space / Technology in Humanitarian Action / War, law, and outer space Dr Stuart Eves, PhD, FRAS, FBIS & Gilles Doucet Enabled by advanced technologies, the past few decades have seen a revolution in the utility ...
War, law and outer space: pathways to reduce the human cost of military space operations August 15, 2023 16 mins read Analysis / Communications / Law and Conflict / New Technologies / Outer Space / Technology in Humanitarian Action / War, law, and outer space / Weapons Wen Zhou Despite the long-term desire of the international community to explore and use outer space for ...