Rebuilding peace in divided education systems January 23, 2020 7 mins read Analysis / Children in conflict / Education in Armed Conflict Laura K. Taylor & Alexandra Jacobs Key to promoting peacebuilding among a post-conflict generation is understanding how children’s awareness, attitudes, and ...
Beyond binaries: An intersectional approach to humanitarian action October 8, 2019 13 mins read Gender / Gender and conflict / Humanitarian Action / Identity / Sexual Violence Elizabeth McGuinness & Saman Rejali Where does a lens on ‘men and masculinities’ fit into the frame of humanitarian action? ...
Masculinity and humanitarianism May 20, 2019 9 mins read Gender / Gender and conflict / Humanitarian Action / Identity / Sexual Violence Graham Parsons As I write, a boy, no older than 2, is bouncing around the café, laughing ...
The masculine condition in contemporary warfare May 14, 2019 13 mins read Gender / Gender and conflict / Humanitarian Action / Identity Gilbert Holleufer Hugo Slim, in a piece entitled Masculinity and war—let’s talk about it, puts his finger ...
How identity affects the internal threats aid workers face October 18, 2018 9 mins read Analysis / Gender and conflict / Humanitarian Action / Identity / Sexual Violence / The most read blog posts in 2018 Adelicia Fairbanks The #AidToo movement has shown that aid workers are not invulnerable to internal security threats ...