A safety net for prisoners of war: five key principles of the Third Geneva Convention April 27, 2023 11 mins read Detention / GCIII Commentary / Humanitarian Action / Law and Conflict Yvette Issar After the Second World War, countries came together to improve the legal protection available to ...
Prisoners of war in contemporary armed conflict: Interpreting the Third Geneva Convention 70+ years after its negotiation August 11, 2022 18 mins read GCIII Commentary / Law and Conflict Ellen Policinski Too often the term “prisoner of war” (PoW) conjures up black-and-white images of soldiers detained in the Second World War. Recent events have ...
GCIII Commentary: removing ambiguity on the treatment of prisoners of war October 29, 2020 7 mins read Analysis / Detention / GCIII Commentary / Law and Conflict Tim Wood In an era in which a number of developed nations have been accused of ill-treating or unlawfully killing captured persons or persons under ...