Tristan Ferraro

Tristan Ferraro is a Senior Legal Adviser at the Legal Division of the ICRC (HQ Geneva). He is responsible in-house for legal issues relating to multinational forces and coalition warfare, occupation (former head of the ICRC project on occupation), protection of civilians and the notion of armed conflict (establishing ICRC positions on legal issues aimed at classifying/declassifying situations of armed conflict). He is also in charge of files relating to humanitarian access and protection of humanitarian personnel. Eventually, he supervises and coordinates legal issues concerning IHL, sanctions and terrorism. Before coming back to the Legal Division at the ICRC headquarters in 2007, he served with the ICRC in the field, including particular as a legal coordinator, in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Israel/Palestinian occupied territory. He has also published numerous legal articles, book chapters and represents the ICRC in various international fora.
Prior to joining the ICRC in 2002, Tristan Ferraro worked as a senior lecturer/associate professor at the University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis (France), teaching inter alia Public International Law, including international humanitarian law. He holds a Doctor of Laws from the University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis (France).
Posts by the contributor
‘Hybrid threats’, ‘grey zones’, ‘competition’, and ‘proxies’: When is it actually war?
10 mins read Analysis / Armed Groups / IHL / Law and Conflict / Scope of application Samit D’Cunha, Tristan Ferraro & Tilman Rodenhäuser
Defining armed conflict: some clarity in the fog of war
11 mins read Analysis / Conduct of Hostilities / Humanitarian Principles / Scope of application / Special Themes / The Geneva Conventions at 75 / Topics Samit D’Cunha, Tristan Ferraro & Thomas de Saint Maurice
Unblocking aid: the EU’s 2023 shift in sanctions policy to safeguard humanitarian efforts
16 mins read Access / Analysis / Counterterrorism / Humanitarian Action / Humanitarian diplomacy / Special Themes / The Geneva Conventions at 75 Sophie Huvé, Guillemette Moulin & Tristan Ferraro
IHL and occupied territory
14 mins read Analysis / Humanitarian Action / Law and Conflict Mikhail Orkin & Tristan Ferraro
Aggregated intensity: classifying coalitions of non-State armed groups
15 mins read Analysis / Armed Groups / Law and Conflict / Religion Jelena Nikolic, Thomas de Saint Maurice & Tristan Ferraro