Tim Wood

Group Captain Wood joined the Royal New Zealand Air Force (RNZAF) in 2016. Initially responsible for revitalising the NZDF’s law of armed conflict (LOAC) training, he has served in a number of roles in both New Zealand and overseas. He is currently the NZDF Provost Marshal. Wood previously served as a legal officer in the Royal Air Force (RAF). Retiring as a Group Captain, his final post was with the Iraq Historic Allegations Prosecution Team. Following emigration, Wood joined the staff of Massey University. His first academic publication was, ‘Detainee Abuse during Op TELIC. A Few Rotten Apples?’
Posts by the contributor
Procedures for internment review under the Fourth Geneva Convention: reflections from New Zealand
15 mins read Analysis / Detention / GCIV and the internment of protected persons / IHL / Special Protections / Special Themes Tim Wood
GCIII Commentary: removing ambiguity on the treatment of prisoners of war
7 mins read Analysis / Detention / GCIII Commentary / Law and Conflict Tim Wood