Steve Tiwa Fomekong

Steve Tiwa Fomekong is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Law of Université Laval. Prior to joining this Faculty as a professor, he worked as a lecturer and research professional, and taught at various universities, institutes, and summer schools in Quebec, Canada, and Africa. He also completed a postdoctoral fellowship at the Centre for International Studies (CERIUM) at Université de Montréal, where he served as a Research Fellow on Africa. He is a member of the Interdisciplinary Research Centre on Africa and the Middle East (CIRAM), where he also served as coordinator, and has contributed to research projects such as “Promotion et renforcement du droit international humanitaire: Une contribution canadienne (Osons le DIH!).” His research focuses on contemporary humanitarian issues, particularly the legal protection of victims of armed conflicts, as well as the interactions between international law and regional legal regimes, especially in the field of the protection of persons. His work has been published in journals such as the International Review of the Red Cross, the African Human Rights Yearbook, the Quebec Journal of International Law, and the African Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law. In addition to his academic research, Professor Tiwa Fomekong has practical experience in the field of human rights education and advocacy. He has served as a Senior Advisor on Human Rights Education at Equitas | International Centre for Human Rights Education and has worked as a consultant in international law for various human rights organizations in Canada and Africa.
Posts by the contributor
Canada’s first voluntary IHL report: a step forward with opportunities for improvement
12 mins read Accountability / Analysis / Generating Respect for IHL / IHL Steve Tiwa Fomekong