Silvia Gelvez

Silvia has dedicated over a decade to volunteering with the Colombian Red Cross. Her involvement spans diverse programs like Youth Leadership, Peace, Action, and Coexistence, as well as initiatives addressing Weapon Contamination, Nonviolent Communication, and Education. Silvia, a former National Youth Representative and Member of the Colombian Red Cross’ National Board, holds a Bachelor’s degree in International Relations and is pursuing a Master’s in Sustainable Peacebuilding. Currently, she serves as the Vice-Chair of the IFRC Global Youth Commission
Posts by the contributor
The youth of today, on international humanitarian law tomorrow…
25 mins read Generating Respect for IHL / Humanitarian Action / Humanitarian Principles / Humanity in War podcast / IHL / Special Themes / The Geneva Conventions at 75 / Youth and IHL Julie Lefolle, Kay von Mérey, Silvia Gelvez & Elizabeth Rushing