Mark Chapple

Mark was co-leader of the multi-agency No Lost Generation initiative working on education, child protection, and youth engagement across the Syria and Iraq crises. He has also been in charge of supporting all World Vision’s Education in Emergencies (EiE) programmes across the NAME region (Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, and Turkey). Other very relevant experiences include Programme Director in Education for Save the Children International in Lebanon, providing formal and non-formal education to Syrian & Palestinian refugees as well as vulnerable Lebanese children.
Mark has also been the Country Coordinator for Alternative Education for All in South Sudan with Save the Children International. In addition to his strong field experience, Mark has done remarkable work to develop training resources, operational toolkits for practitioners, and policy papers with the Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies & the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action. With his solid technical and management skills, Mark will, as a member of the OP_THEM team, help bring the ICRC to another level in the field of Access to Education. Mark is a qualified teacher and also holds a BA in Philosophy.
Posts by the contributor
Protecting education from attack during armed conflict
29 mins read Access / Analysis / Children in conflict / Education in Armed Conflict / Humanity in War podcast / IHL Michel Anglade, Mark Chapple & Elizabeth Rushing