Lisa Eckenwiler

Lisa Eckenwiler, PhD, is Associate Professor of Philosophy in the Departments of Philosophy and Health Administration and Policy at George Mason University where she also serves as Co Director of the Global Health Fellows Program. Her research centers on health justice for vulnerable populations. Current projects include an examination of responsibilities to asylum-seekers living in protracted displacement; the moral experience of refugees with disabilities en route and on arrival in Canada; the ethical implications of the use of information and communication technologies in humanitarian operations; the ethics of closure in humanitarian projects; and a broad exploration of the importance of ‘place’ for health and health justice, i.e., the capability to be healthy (in contexts including long-term care and hospital design, urban planning and refugee integration).
Professor Eckenwiler also currently leads a research network focused on the understanding and use of ‘vulnerability’ in the policies and operations of humanitarian organizations. She has published widely on research ethics, global health equity and humanitarian health ethics in venues including: the American Journal of Public Health, Bioethics, Public Health Ethics, BMJ, Medicine, Conflict and Survival, BMC Medical Ethics, Hastings Center Report, Journal of Medical Ethics, International Health, PLoS One and Women’s Studies International Forum. Her books include Long-term Care, Globalization, and Justice (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2012) and The Ethics of Bioethics: Mapping the Moral Landscape (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2007), co-edited with Felicia Cohn. Her B.A. comes from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and her Ph.D. in Philosophy with a concentration in Bioethics from the University of Tennessee-Knoxville.
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