Jonas Belina

Jonas Belina is a diplomat at the Peace and Human Rights Division of the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA). He works in humanitarian diplomacy with a focus on the application of new technologies to the protection of civilians and humanitarian action, the responsible use of humanitarian data; as well as the improvement of the search for missing persons, restoring family links, and the prevention of disappearances. He co-initiated and co-led the Humanitarian Data and Trust Initiative, a multi-stakeholder initiative for the protection of humanitarian data, convened by Switzerland, the ICRC and OCHA in 2020, as well as the Global Alliance for the Missing, launched together with ICRC in 2021. Previously, he was posted in Argentina and the U.S.
Jonas holds master’s degrees in physics and philosophy from the University of Bern and LSE, and a PhD in neuroscience from Yale University.
Posts by the contributor
Responsible data sharing between humanitarian organizations and donors: towards a common approach
7 mins read Access / Analysis / Humanitarian Action / New Technologies / Technology in Humanitarian Action Vincent Cassard, Stuart Campo & Jonas Belina