Joelle Rizk
Joelle Rizk is the Digital Risks Adviser at the ICRC Protection Department. She currently leads ICRC’s work on protection in the digital sphere, and on harmful information online and its impact on civilians. She has held various positions at the ICRC, including as a Migration Adviser for Africa, Protection Researcher in Libya and the Sahel and other positions in Afghanistan, Jordan and Iraq. Prior to the ICRC, her work evolved around Track-II Diplomacy and regional security in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Central Asia. She holds an M.A. in Peace and Conflict Studies, and an M.A. in International Relations.
Posts by the contributor
Why is the ICRC concerned by ‘harmful information’ in war?
10 mins read Analysis / Communications / IHL / New Technologies Joelle Rizk
Protecting civilians against digital threats: four worrying trends and recommendations to address them
11 mins read Analysis / New Technologies Cordula Droege, Laurent Gisel, Tilman Rodenhäuser & Joelle Rizk
What we don’t understand about digital risks in armed conflict and what to do about it
15 mins read Analysis / Artificial Intelligence and Armed Conflict / Cyber / Humanitarian Action / New Technologies / Technology in Humanitarian Action Joelle Rizk & Sean Cordey