Erin Hahn

Erin Hahn is a Senior National Security Analyst and principal staff member at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (JHU/APL). Within JHU/APL’s National Security Analysis Department, she supervises a group of sixty-five analysts who work on broad issues related to technology development and implementation, including analysis related to strategic and policy issues. Erin’s work is at the intersection of legal/normative questions and operational or technology challenges. Her areas of focus include autonomy in weapon systems; responsible development of AI, the feasibility of cyber norms; human enhancement technology; the nexus of legal and ethical issues with nuclear strategy; and issues specific to technology and the Special Operations community.
Erin serves on the International Panel on the Regulation of Autonomous Weapons (iPRAW), the work of which informs the ongoing discussions of the United Nations Group of Government Experts for Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems. She recently served on the Department of Energy Security of Energy Advisory Board, and also served as a special government expert to the National Security Council AI Commission. Erin was formerly the Associate Director of the University of Maryland Center for Health and Homeland Security (CHHS) in Baltimore, Maryland. Prior to that, she was an attorney in private practice doing complex civil litigation. Erin has a B.A. in philosophy from Salisbury University, a Juris Doctor from the University of Maryland, and an M.A. in comparative public policy from K. U. Leuven, which she attended as a Flemish Community Fellow.
Posts by the contributor
Identifying protected missions in the digital domain
8 mins read Analysis / Humanitarian Action / Law and Conflict / New Technologies Antonio De Simone, Brian Haberman & Erin Hahn