Birhane Wossen Reta

Birhane Wossen Reta is an Information and Evidence Officer within ISMS at the IIIM-Syria. She has spent the last fifteen years working with the UN in the field of information management and has held positions with the United Nations Mission in Liberia and the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia. She has an undergraduate degree from Addis Ababa University and a graduate certificate from the University of Leicester. She currently serves as a project lead on data protection strategy and implementation at the IIIM.
Posts by the contributor
Victim/survivor-centeredness, data protection and open-source collection in accountability: lessons from IIIM-Syria
9 mins read Accountability / Analysis / Artificial Intelligence and Armed Conflict / Cybersecurity and data protection in humanitarian action / Humanitarian Action / New Technologies / Technology in Humanitarian Action Rayyan Ghuma & Birhane Wossen Reta