Alistair D. B. Cook

Dr Alistair D. B. Cook is Coordinator of the Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief Programme and Senior Fellow at the Centre for Non-Traditional Security Studies, S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. His research interests focus on humanitarian affairs, disaster governance, foreign policy and regional cooperation in the Asia-Pacific. He was a Visiting Scholar at the East-West Center and Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies in Honolulu, Hawaii, USA in May-June 2022. He also served as the President (2018 – 2021) and Secretary-Treasurer (2014 – 2018) of the Asia-Pacific Region of the International Studies Association.
His most recent publications include ‘Military humanitarian and disaster governance networks in Southeast Asia: Framework and analysis’ (with Angelo P. L. Trias in Disasters, 2022), ‘Humanitarian Action in the Asia-Pacific During COVID-19: New Challenges, Modalities, and Cooperation’ (with Christopher Chen in Journal of Asian Public Policy, 2022), Non-Traditional Security in the Asia-Pacific: A Decade of Perspectives (edited with Tamara Nair. Singapore: World Scientific, 2021) and Humanitarianism in the Asia-Pacific: Engaging the Debate in Policy and Practice (edited with Lina Gong. Singapore: Springer, 2021).
Posts by the contributor
Climate change, environment and humanitarian action in Southeast Asia
11 mins read Analysis / Climate change, conflict and humanitarian action / Humanitarian Action Alistair D. B. Cook