Adelicia Fairbanks

Adelicia Fairbanks is Research Adviser at the European Interagency Security Forum (EISF). She is responsible for producing original research papers, articles, blogs and guides that help share and promote best practices in security risk management within the humanitarian sector, with the aim of building the capacity of security practitioners.
Adelicia has worked in key international non-governmental organisations and research institutions over the last eight years, supporting their humanitarian, human rights, and development work in developing countries across Asia, the Middle East, Africa and Latin America and the Caribbean.
Posts by the contributor
How identity affects the internal threats aid workers face
9 mins read Analysis / Gender and conflict / Humanitarian Action / Identity / Sexual Violence / The most read blog posts in 2018 Adelicia Fairbanks
Going local, going safely
10 mins read Humanitarian Action / Localisation Adelicia Fairbanks