Giulio Bartolini
Giulio Bartolini is Full Professor of International Law at Roma Tre University where he is also Director of the IHL Legal Clinic. He is a lecturer at the Geneva Academy of IHL and Human Rights and Editor-in-Chief of the Yearbook of International Disaster Law (Brill). Professor Bartolini is President of the IHL Scientific Committee of the Italian Red Cross Society and a member of the IHL National Committee, Italian MFA, where he was co-responsible for drafting the national IHL voluntary report. He is currently coordinating the working group established by the Italian Ministry of Defence for drafting the manual on international law applicable to military missions.
Posts by the contributor
Voluntary reports: a new tool ‘toward a universal culture of compliance with IHL’
14 mins read Analysis / Generating Respect for IHL / IHL / Special Themes / The Geneva Conventions at 75 Giulio Bartolini