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The Red Cross Red Crescent Movement and world’s governments address today’s humanitarian needs

Sexual Violence 1 mins read

The Red Cross Red Crescent Movement and world’s governments address today’s humanitarian needs

The infographics below deliver the complexity and magnitude of the International Conference at a glance, as they summarize pledges and resolutions and highlight ways forward.

More than 2,300 people attended the 32nd International Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent in December 2015. They included representatives of 169 States and 183 National Societies, and of 102 other humanitarian actors and corporate partners. All in all 10 resolutions were adopted and 215 pledges were registered.

Participants agreed upon various measures to address the most pressing humanitarian challenges of our times, namely: safeguarding the provision of health care; preventing and responding to sexual and gender-based violence; protecting volunteers; and strengthening disaster law.

Taking stock – results of the 32nd International Conference

The outcome of the International Conference_Summary-EN

Health care in danger

 HCiD summary-EN

Strengthening disaster laws


Sexual and gender-based violence


The safety and security of humanitarian volunteers

Volunteer protection_Summary-EN

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