Sri Lanka: A Buddhist Perspective on the Treatment of Prisoners of War 21/08/2020, International Humanitarian Law / South Asia This year the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) launched an updated Commentary on the Third Geneva Convention which regulates the treatment ...
“An Important Document to Reiterate Obligations Under Third Geneva Convention” – Maj Gen Nilendra Kumar 15/06/2020, About Us / Global / International Humanitarian Law The updated Commentary on the Third Geneva Convention is the first article-by-article commentary on the Third Convention since 1958. The Commentary strengthens the ...
Launch of the updated Commentary on the Third Geneva Convention 11/06/2020, Global / International Humanitarian Law Join the ICRC on 16 June 2020, on the occasion of the online launch of the updated Commentary on the Third Geneva Convention ...
International Archives Day: ICRC’s POW Agency archives to open online in August 09/06/2014, Global / India / Resources Today is International Archives Day. The public image of archives is musty. They are often confused with libraries, and are thought of as ...
My Red Cross Story: ‘We would take half a tin of condensed milk in a bowl of rice and eat it like kheer… It was terrific!’ 07/05/2014, Armed and Security Forces / Detention / Global / History / India / My Red Cross / Crescent Story / Videos The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement has touched millions of lives in as many ...