Nepal: International Day for Universal Access to Information Marked in Kathmandu 03/10/2018, Family Links / South Asia The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) partnered with Media Action Nepal (MAN) to mark the International Day for Universal Access to ...
Nepal: South Asian Military and Police Officers Discuss Challenges in Security Operations 17/08/2018, Armed and Security Forces / International Humanitarian Law / South Asia As one of the key areas of its work, the ICRC continues to promote respect ...
ICRC and Nepal Judicial Academy hold IHL Workshop for the Judiciary 09/04/2018, About Us / International Humanitarian Law / South Asia Judges from the high courts and district courts of Nepal, prosecutors, court officers and officers ...
भारतको निर्मा यूनिभर्सिटी, इन्स्टिच्यूट अफ ल मुटकोर्ट प्रतियोगिताको दक्षिण एसियाली राउण्डमा विजयी 12/12/2017, #Nepal / International Humanitarian Law / Nepal Updates / Nepali / South Asia भारतको निर्मा यूनिभर्सिटी, इन्स्टिच्यूट अफ ल, १४ देखि १६ मंसिरमा काठमाडौंमा आयोजित १३औं हेनरी ड्यूना ...
ILNU India Wins the South Asia Rounds of Moot Court Competition 11/12/2017, #Nepal / About Us / International Humanitarian Law / South Asia Institute of Law, Nirma University (ILNU), India emerged winners of the South Asia Rounds of the ...
It’s An Endless Wait for These Families in Nepal 15/09/2017, #Nepal / Family Links / South Asia / Videos The pain of losing someone you hold dear is immensely difficult to overcome. What makes it even more unbearable is when the ...