भारतको निर्मा यूनिभर्सिटी, इन्स्टिच्यूट अफ ल मुटकोर्ट प्रतियोगिताको दक्षिण एसियाली राउण्डमा विजयी 12/12/2017, #Nepal / International Humanitarian Law / Nepal Updates / Nepali / South Asia भारतको निर्मा यूनिभर्सिटी, इन्स्टिच्यूट अफ ल, १४ देखि १६ मंसिरमा काठमाडौंमा आयोजित १३औं हेनरी ड्यूना ...
ILNU India Wins the South Asia Rounds of Moot Court Competition 11/12/2017, #Nepal / About Us / International Humanitarian Law / South Asia Institute of Law, Nirma University (ILNU), India emerged winners of the South Asia Rounds of the ...
Bond University wins 15th Red Cross IHL Moot in Hong Kong 14/03/2017, Global / International Humanitarian Law After four days of competition, Bond University from Australia was proclaimed the winner of the 15th Red Cross International Humanitarian Law Moot Competition ...
KSL Nepal Emerge First-Time Winners at Regional IHL Moot Competition 22/12/2016, International Humanitarian Law / South Asia / Videos The three-member team from Kathmandu School of Law (KSL) was invincible at the 12th ...
NLSIU Bangalore Wins 15th Henry Dunant Memorial Moot Competition 24/09/2015, About Us / India / International Humanitarian Law / Videos The National Law School of India University (NLSIU), Bangalore bagged the winning trophy at the ...
Budding Lawyers to Exhibit Advocacy Skills in a Moot Court 15/09/2015, About Us / Events / International Humanitarian Law Over 60 teams comprising law students from across India will engage in a demonstration of their legal acumen and advocacy skills in a ...