Can one decision change your life? 16/11/2017, IHL If this boy had packed his bag the night before, would his story have ended differently? Even wars have rules. Respect Geneva Conventions
Who is bound by the Geneva Conventions? 22/8/2017, IHL Only States may become party to international treaties, and thus to the Geneva Conventions and their Additional Protocols. However, all parties to an ...
What objects are specially protected under IHL? 14/8/2017, IHL Civilian objects are protected from attack under general provisions of IHL. Some objects are also accorded specific protection under IHL, either because of ...
How does IHL protect refugees and internally displaced persons? 14/8/2017, IHL Refugees are people who have crossed an international frontier and are at risk, or have been victims, of persecution in their country of ...
What are the Geneva Conventions and their Additional Protocols? 13/8/2017, IHL The origins of the 1949 Geneva Conventions The Geneva Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded in Armies in the ...
When does IHL apply? 13/8/2017, IHL International Humanitarian Law (IHL) applies only in situations of armed conflict. It offers two systems of protection: one for international armed conflict and ...
What treaties make up International Humanitarian Law? 7/8/2017, IHL Contemporary IHL came into being with the original Geneva Convention of 1864. It has evolved in stages, to meet the ever-growing need for ...
Rules of war (in a nutshell) 24/4/2017, IHL People have always used violence to settle disputes. And all cultures have always had the idea that there have to be limits on ...
ICRC in Israel launches an updated commentary to the First Geneva Convention 31/5/2016, IHL / IHL events and conferences Jean-Marie Henckaerts, ICRC senior legal adviser who heads this project, visited Israel for the launch The updated commentary of the First Geneva Convention ...
ICRC President at the World Humanitarian Summit: A commitment to address forced displacement 24/5/2016 “Respect for international humanitarian law, assistance where people are and according to their needs, protection for those who flee and pragmatic solutions for ...