ICRC Head of Delegation in ILOT, Jacques de Maio’s press conference in Gaza (6 short clips) 28/7/2014, News releases and statements I’ve come many times to Gaza in the past 25 years, but I’ve never seen such devastation, so much destruction, so much blood, ...
No wonder Gazans are angry. The Red Cross can’t protect them 25/7/2014, ICRC In the Media Humanitarian groups such as mine, the ICRC, working in Gaza do their utmost to help but only politicians can end the conflict. OP-ED ...
Gaza: ICRC facilitates suspension of hostilities to evacuate wounded 20/7/2014, News releases and statements The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has used its services as a neutral intermediary to facilitate an agreement between the Israel ...
Gaza: Water in the line of fire 15/7/2014 Repeated bombing is devastating Gaza’s fragile water infrastructure, while the deaths of several municipal water technicians highlight the danger they face in carrying ...
Military operations in the West Bank and Gaza: ICRC steps up its activities 18/6/2014 As tensions mount and an extensive military operation takes place to rescue three abducted people in the West Bank, the International Committee of ...
Gaza: ICRC demands proof that Gilad Shalit is alive 23/6/2011, Missing - Israel and the Occupied Territories / News releases and statements News release Geneva/Jerusalem/Tel Aviv (ICRC) – Five years after Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit was captured ...
ICRC facilitates return of released Palestinian detainees to Gaza and West Bank 2/10/2009, Missing - Israel and the Occupied Territories / News releases and statements News release Geneva/Jerusalem (ICRC) – The International committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) today facilitated ...
Gaza Strip : ICRC calls for respect for international humanitarian law 1/7/2006, IHL / Missing - Israel and the Occupied Territories / News releases and statements News release Geneva (ICRC) – The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) is concerned ...