Can film change our attitudes towards an occupied city? 1/6/2014 Documentary filmmaker Ra’anan Alexandrowicz has completed a special project in which he collected documentary items from the past 47 years in Hebron. In ...
Interview with Lana: Gaza’s Specialist in artificial female lower limbs 1/6/2014 Lana Kronz, 25, is a specialist in artificial limbs – artificial female lower limbs, to be precise. She works at the only orthotic ...
Why the law prohibits settlement activities 30/5/2014, ICRC In the Media / IHL A position paper by Anton Camen, Head of the legal department of the International Committee of the Red Cross, Israel and the Occupied ...
Video games and law of war (Video) 26/5/2014, IHL War packaged for recreational consumption enthrals children and adults worldwide. For the military, these “electronic first-person shooter games” offer a great resource to ...
Water flows under the West Bank Barrier (video) 22/5/2014 “If there is no water, life would be nonexistent”, Aysha Qadoumi, a Palestinian housewife from the village of Jayyous, West Bank, exclaims. Through ...
Autonomous weapons: What role for humans? 15/5/2014, IHL Addressing a meeting of experts at the United Nations in Geneva this week, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) will urge ...
ICRC sets 3 year-agenda for emergency trauma training in Gaza-hospitals 13/5/2014 The ICRC launched a 3-year Emergency Trauma Course project to support the capacity of the Ministry of Health’s medical staff in the Gaza ...
Syria: Unprecedented humanitarian needs entail record budget 12/5/2014 The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has announced a budget extension that will bring funding for its operations in Syria and ...
FACING WAR: Photography Exhibition by Jean Mohr 11/5/2014 “Above all I sought to testify as a witness. I often wanted to put down my camera, but then I remembered that I ...
My journey towards international humanitarian law 29/4/2014, IHL / IHL events and conferences Every year the International Committee of the Red Cross with the assistance of ALMA (the Association for the Promotion of International Humanitarian Law ...