ILNU India Wins the South Asia Rounds of Moot Court Competition 11/12/2017, #Nepal / About Us / International Humanitarian Law / South Asia Institute of Law, Nirma University (ILNU), India emerged winners of the South Asia Rounds of the ...
South Asia Experts to Discuss Protection of Cultural Property during Armed Conflict 21/08/2017, #Nepal / International Humanitarian Law / South Asia Kathmandu (ICRC) – The 7th South Asian Regional Conference on International Humanitarian Law, jointly organised ...
Bond University wins 15th Red Cross IHL Moot in Hong Kong 14/03/2017, Global / International Humanitarian Law After four days of competition, Bond University from Australia was proclaimed the winner of the 15th Red Cross International Humanitarian Law Moot Competition ...
Philippines: Deepening Dialogue on Humanitarian Law and Islamic Law 17/11/2016, Global / International Humanitarian Law A seminar that aims to highlight the common ground between international humanitarian law (IHL) and its equivalent in Islamic tradition and jurisprudence is ...
ICRC Launches New Guidance Bolstering Relevance of Geneva Conventions 22/03/2016, Commentaries / Global / International Humanitarian Law Geneva – The International Committee of the Red Cross has unveiled major new guidance on ...
Students Conference on IHL to Discuss Critical Themes related to Syria & the Refugee Crisis 17/02/2016, Announcements / Global / International Humanitarian Law The changing nature of armed conflict and its important implications for the continuing relevance of ...