24th South Asia Teaching Session on IHL underway in Sri Lanka 30/05/2014, Armed and Security Forces / Events / International Humanitarian Law / South Asia The 24th South Asia Teaching Session on International Humanitarian Law (IHL), organised by the ICRC, ...
My Red Cross Story: ‘We would take half a tin of condensed milk in a bowl of rice and eat it like kheer… It was terrific!’ 07/05/2014, Armed and Security Forces / Detention / Global / History / India / My Red Cross / Crescent Story / Videos The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement has touched millions of lives in as many ...
ICRC-AALCO workshop to confer on challenges facing IHL 06/05/2014, Armed and Security Forces / Civilians / India / International Humanitarian Law The ICRC Regional Delegation for India, Bhutan and the Maldives, along with the Asian African ...
New Technologies & Modern Warfare: ICRC Conference Cycle to delve into humanitarian perspectives 23/04/2014, Armed and Security Forces / Global / International Humanitarian Law New challenges emerge as the nature of warfare is changing with the development of new technologies ...
ICRC conducts IHL training for Bangladesh naval officers 17/04/2014, Armed and Security Forces / International Humanitarian Law / South Asia / Videos The ICRC, at the request of the Indian Coast Guard establishment, recently conducted an International ...
USI-MEA World War I Centenary tribute project to shed new light on India’s role 11/04/2014, Armed and Security Forces / Commentaries / History / India As the world commemorates 100 years of the First World War, the United Service Institution ...