This episode of Intercross the Podcast is the fifth in our joint series with Humanitarian Law & Policy. Humanitarian Law & Policy is the ICRC blog based in Geneva that provides timely analysis and debate on international humanitarian law (IHL) issues and the policies that shape humanitarian action. With this series we hope to have monthly conversations on trends, issues, future challenges and solutions as they pertain to IHL or humanitarian action.
The war in Syria has lasted more than eight years and has led to massive destruction and loss of life. The human cost of this conflict is widely considered, in fact, without historical precedent among civil wars. Increasingly, there is doubt that the conflict will reach a resolution or political settlement anytime in the near future, resulting in growing fatigue and frustration across the international community. This frustration has triggered an appetite among States, civil society and the international community for finite and concrete measures that can contribute to greater protection and compliance with international law.
From this, a number of innovative protection responses have emerged to protect cultural heritage in the conflict which has engulfed Syria and spread to Iraq. In this episode, we have Polina Levina from the United Nations in Geneva speaking in her personal capacity as well as our Forum guest host Ellen Policinski. Hosted by Niki Clark.
Conflict in Syria (International Review of the Red Cross)
Syria: New opportunities for States to enhance compliance with international law?
Syria, destruction of cultural heritage from How does law protect in war? online