Colouring book about the activities of the ICRC 09/04/2019, In English During aid distributions and at the crossing points, our teams often meet children. As children also live in the conflict zone, they are ...
Mine Awareness Day: Lives of Millions of People Directly Endangered 04/04/2019, In English Kyiv (ICRC) – Today, the world marks the International Day for Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action. In Ukraine, only last year ...
Women who are an inspiration 27/03/2019, In English The week of the International Women’s Day, marked every year on March 8, the ICRC delegation in Ukraine made a series of social ...
ICRC Activities Highlights, January-February 2019 26/03/2019, In English Facts & Figures is an overview of ICRC Ukraine activities in various areas, including health care, water and habitat, economic security, restoring family ...
Whatever happens, care for each other 07/03/2019, In EnglishOlena Loshakova Dmytro Kyrylovych from Popasna, a town near the contact line in Eastern Ukraine, is more than 90 years old. For over a year, ...
ICRC Activities Highlights, 2018 20/02/2019, In English / Факти і цифри Facts & Figures is an overview of ICRC Ukraine activities in various areas, including health care, water and habitat, economic security, restoring family ...
Micro Economic Initiatives Grant Programme 18/02/2019, In English The ICRC is launching a new Grant Program round targeting those affected households and entrepreneurs, who would like to start or extend their ...
ICRC Assistance at Entry Exit Crossing Points 15/02/2019, In English More than 30,000 people a day cross the line of contact in Eastern Ukraine through five official entry-exit crossing points. Crossing the contact ...
At the risk of falling, helping others, you go, you live… 11/01/2019, In English / Обличчя МКЧХOlena Loshakova Dr. Muzamil Nissar is the ICRC health field officer in Sievierodonetsk. He was only five years old when a conflict started in his homeland ...
ICRC Activities Highlights, November 2018 27/12/2018, In English Facts & Figures is an overview of ICRC Ukraine activities in various areas, including health care, water and habitat, economic security, restoring family ...