ICRC’s partner Mobility India becomes the first institution in the SAARC region to receive ISPO accreditation 24/01/2022, Health & Safety / India The New Year brought good news not just for the ICRC Regional Delegation and Mobility India but also for the entire physical rehabilitation ...
Physical rehabilitation activities in India and Nepal: From capacity-building of professionals to sports for persons with disabilities 22/12/2021, #Nepal / Health & Safety / India As the pandemic continued in 2021, the ICRC Regional Delegation’s Physical Rehabilitation Programme (PRP) adapted the planned on-site capacity-building training to a virtual ...
ICRC-MNDF Workshop on Maritime Security Operations 17/12/2021, Armed and Security Forces / India / South Asia In December, the regional delegation of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), New Delhi, in collaboration with the Maldives National Defence ...
Winners of the 15th edition of PII-ICRC Annual Awards 23/11/2021, #ICRCPIIAWARD / India Winners of the 15th edition of the PII-ICRC Annual Awards for Best Article and Best Photograph on a humanitarian subject, jointly organised by ...
The New Delhi Delegation moves to a new office 27/10/2021, Announcements Over the past year, ICRC in India has undergone many changes. After months of preparation and the collective effort of colleagues, we shifted ...
20th Henry Dunant Memorial Moot Court Competition is underway 22/10/2021, Announcements / International Humanitarian Law The 20th Henry Dunant Memorial Moot Competition has started this year. This year marks 20 years of the competition in India that the ...