ICRC-RRU workshop on 21st Century Naval Warfare and IHL: Implications for Coastal and Maritime Security 24/02/2023, Armed and Security Forces / Civilians / India / International Humanitarian Law / Modern Warfare / South Asia / Videos The field of warfare at sea has seen several technological advancements, and cyberspace has brought ...
Principled Humanitarian Action: Rising to the Challenge 09/02/2022, Armed and Security Forces / Civilians / Global / India / International Humanitarian Law / Modern Warfare Principled humanitarian action faces many challenges today. Humanitarian principles need to be respected and promoted ...
Indian military officers conversing IHL with ICRC experts 18/04/2019, About Us / Armed and Security Forces / English / India / International Humanitarian Law / Modern Warfare The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) recently conducted a training session on International ...
New Weapons Systems must conform to IHL: Knut Doermann 23/01/2019, Civilians / Global / India / International Humanitarian Law / Modern Warfare / South Asia / Videos / Women and War Kunt Doermann, Head of the Legal Division, International Committee (ICRC) was in Delhi recently to ...
Gilles Carbonnier, Vice President of the ICRC visits India 16/01/2019, Armed and Security Forces / Civilians / Events / Global / India / International Humanitarian Law / Modern Warfare / South Asia Gilles Carbonnier, Vice President, International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), visited India 7 – ...
IIT Delhi, ICRC Launch Humanitarian Policy and Technology Platform 15/01/2019, Announcements / Armed and Security Forces / Civilians / English / Events / India / International Humanitarian Law / Modern Warfare / South Asia The Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (IITD) and the International Committee of the Red Cross ...