Winners of the 15th edition of PII-ICRC Annual Awards 23/11/2021, #ICRCPIIAWARD / India Winners of the 15th edition of the PII-ICRC Annual Awards for Best Article and Best Photograph on a humanitarian subject, jointly organised by ...
Applications invited for the 5th Regional H.E.L.P. Course in New Delhi 13/10/2021, Health & Safety / India / South Asia The ICRC regional delegation in New Delhi invites applications to the 5th Regional H.E.L.P. Course which will be hosted online, from 6 to ...
ICRC signs MoU with O P Jindal Global University 20/09/2021, India / International Humanitarian Law / South Asia OP Jindal Global University (JGU) and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on September 14, ...
Webinar | UNSC 2021: Takeaways from the Indian Presidency 16/09/2021, Events / India This discussion is timely and opportune with India having just completed its month-long Presidency of the UNSC with substantive outcomes on key global ...
ICRC Sri Lanka’s webinar on IHL and protection of the natural environment on 31st August 2021 24/08/2021, International Humanitarian Law / South Asia The natural environment is an often-forgotten victim of armed conflicts. Environmental damage caused by various means and methods of warfare results in severe ...
Statement by Robert Mardini, Director-General of the ICRC, on Afghanistan 17/08/2021, Civilians / Global The ICRC is relieved to see Kabul avoid what could have been devastating urban warfare, but we remain mindful of the thousands of ...