More than 20 million people across Bihar in eastern India are suffering as a result of the worst flood to hit the state in recent decades. With Assam, Manipur, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal also coming under the deluge this year, over 30 million people in India have been affected by the floods.
While water has started to recede in some of these areas, the number of people killed because of the calamity is over 1000 and more than one million who have been displaced continue to live in temporary shelters and makeshift camps. The Indian Red Cross Society, with the support of the IFRC and the ICRC, has been providing relief assistance to the affected communities. In addition to food and other essential items such as clothes and utensils, the Red Cross has provided the facility for clean drinking water to the people in order to prevent any epidemic outbreak.
The Indian Red Cross Society is seeking funds to help victims of floods in India. To contribute please click here.