Airdrops: Resupplying remote teams, more cost effectively and sustainably 2 December 2022, Data and digitalization / Directions / New technologies / Proximity and access Getting supplies to ICRC field teams in hard-to-reach places is an essential but often costly ...
Getting the right staff to the right place, fast 30 November 2022, Data and digitalization / ICRC Innovates / New technologies / Proximity and access Many of the best innovations leave you wondering how you ever managed without them. REDEE ...
ICRC Innovates: Launch of the Climate and Conflict Challenge 18 February 2022, Economic security / Environmental sustainability / Proximity and access / Water and habitat The global climate crisis can be felt most severely in many of the countries and ...
How Behavioral Science Can Support Humanitarian Work 11 February 2022, Behavior change / Health care / Proximity and access New research carried out at hospitals in Pakistan shows how applying tools from behavioral science ...
The Art of Reaching New Audiences 23 November 2021, Directions / Inspirations / Partnerships / Proximity and access The ICRC’s mission in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) is about diplomacy, so last month’s ...
ICRC Regional Delegation in South Africa: Using Change as Motivation 26 October 2021, Detention / Forensics / ICRC Innovates / Proximity and access / Restoring family links To provide effective assistance and protection for affected people, ICRC delegations must adapt to local ...