Drones, Data and Humanitarian Action 27 April 2021, Data and digitalization / ICRC Innovates / New technologies / Proximity and access Unmanned aerial vehicles, or drones, are a valued component of the ICRC’s air operations, used ...
Replacing Lost Limbs: Physically, Mentally, Virtually 12 April 2021, Health care / ICRC Innovates / New technologies Losing a limb is a violent and painful experience, yet also one that is all too common among civilians caught in conflict. The ...
A Pair of Innovators: A Tale of Two Maggies 11 March 2021, ICRC Innovates / Inspirations / Restoring family links It is December 1916. Two ICRC staff members make the trip from Geneva to Frankfurt ...
The Biometrics Minefield 26 February 2021, Data and digitalization / New technologies / Proximity and access Biometric data collection appears to offer a variety of potential benefits: technological efficiency, transparency and ...
Niger: how to build an innovative delegation 5 February 2021, Economic security / Environmental sustainability / Health care / ICRC Innovates Poverty, climate change and violence are a daily reality in the Sahel region, including in ...
Taking sustainable energy to the next level: from challenge to transition 25 January 2021, Environmental sustainability / ICRC Innovates / New financing models One important, long-term innovation initiative focuses on improving access to safe, resilient, and sustainable energy ...