International Humanitarian Law: The Annual Seminar for legal professionals was launched 13/2/2017, IHL / IHL events and conferences Legal professionals representing the private, public and non-governmental organization (NGO) sectors, gathered last week in Tel Aviv for the first session in a ...
MDA-ICRC joint workshop on Safer Access was held in Tel Aviv 22/1/2017, Cooperation with MDA 10 employees and volunteers from Magen David Adom (MDA) participated in a joint workshop on the Safer Access Framework with the International Committee ...
Photo Gallery: The 10th National Competition on International Humanitarian Law 24/11/2016, IHL / IHL events and conferences Photos of the 10th national competition on International Humanitarian Law in Tzuba and Mishkanot Sha’ananim, September 2016 Read more: The Hebrew University won ...
IHL National Competition 2016: Jacques De-Maio’s speech 22/11/2016, IHL / IHL events and conferences “The ICRC puts a lot of effort into promoting and disseminating IHL around the world, and one key way of doing so is ...
The 10th National Competition on International Humanitarian Law 20/9/2016, IHL / IHL events and conferences We are pleased to announce the 2016 Israeli National IHL Competition, which will take place for the 10th time, in Jerusalem from Monday ...
The Missing from the conflict between Israel and Hamas: Two Years On 5/7/2016, Missing - Israel and the Occupied Territories / News releases and statements The Missing and their families must not be forgotten. Clinging to glimmers of hope that ...
“Even war has limits” – a bar talk with Dr. Helen Durham 15/6/2016, IHL / IHL events and conferences Join us to a Bar Talk with ICRC Head of International Law and Policy, Dr. Helen Durham The meeting will be held on ...
Cyberweek 2016: Round Table on the Intersection of IHL and Cyberspace 14/6/2016, IHL / IHL events and conferences Can cyber be used as a method of warfare? Is data a target? Can it be considered a target under the under International ...
ICRC in Israel launches an updated commentary to the First Geneva Convention 31/5/2016, IHL / IHL events and conferences Jean-Marie Henckaerts, ICRC senior legal adviser who heads this project, visited Israel for the launch The updated commentary of the First Geneva Convention ...
Palestinian circus brings a smile to children’s faces in Jerusalem 16/5/2016 It is 5 P.M. on a windy spring afternoon in Jerusalem. Despite the drastic drop in temperatures, in the East side of the ...