Education despite shelling and air raid alerts: how Ukrainian schoolchildren continue to study 12/12/2023, In English School desks. Morning meetings with teachers. Noisy corridors ringing with children’s laughter. Daily homework. Backpacks overflowing with textbooks, sweets, and toys. Such were ...
Заява МКЧХ у відповідь на звинувачення в соціальних мережах щодо відвідувань військовополонених 26/09/2023, Прес-реліз У відповідь на інформацію, що наразі поширюється в соціальних мережах, МКЧХ хотів би зробити таку заяву: Будь-яке негуманне поводження з військовополоненими під час ...
“Every day of our lives hurts because of the unknown… Do you know what it’s like to scream silently?” 20/07/2023, In English “My younger brother and I are almost four years apart. From childhood, he fought for justice, was responsible beyond his age and very ...
Timur Potyekhin: Whatever we do, our work is a great responsibility 21/04/2023, In English “We are driving along a heavily damaged road to a small town in the north of the Kharkiv region. Behind us, there are ...
ICRC delegates monitor conditions of detention 17/02/2017, In English / Відео Every two to three months, we visit people detained in relation to the conflict in eastern Ukraine, in prisons run by Ukrainian ...
Women’s Resilience in Times of Crisis 09/03/2016, In English / Фотогалерея Some women have directly experienced violence and loss during the armed conflict in Eastern Ukraine. Many of them have to deal with the ...