I use science to provide answers to the families about their loved ones 17/05/2018, In English / Обличчя МКЧХMiladin Bogetic Lourdes is a social anthropologist by training, originally from Guatemala. In her ninth year with the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), ...
She never complains 08/05/2018, In EnglishAnastasiya Marchuk This summer will be the fourth anniversary since Iryna, a resident of Lugansk, has been living in Odesa with her two sons and ...
Aid on the Way 04/05/2018, In English / Обличчя МКЧХAnastasia Romanyk Driver Vasyl Zolokotskyi has been working in our Kyiv team for three years. However, it is difficult to find him in the office, ...
Ukrainian Red Cross Society Celebrates 100th Anniversary 18/04/2018, In English Kyiv (ICRC) – The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) extends its warmest congratulations to the Ukrainian Red Cross Society (URCS) on ...
ICRC Activities Highlights, March 2018 17/04/2018, In English Facts & Figures is an overview of ICRC Ukraine activities in various areas, including health care, water and habitat, economic security, restoring family ...
Providing assistance to the Kyiv pre-trial detention center 16/04/2018, In English The ICRC in Ukraine provides assistance to 18 places of detention in 12 oblasts to the benefit of nearly 14,000 detainees, which is ...
Response to harsh temperatures in Ukraine 13/04/2018, In English The conflict has completely changed the daily lives of people in the Donbas. Many have lost their income and must rely on humanitarian assistance. During summer ...
Saving lives by supporting health care in eastern Ukraine 30/03/2018, In English Kyiv (ICRC) – The health-care system continues to bear the brunt of the armed conflict in eastern Ukraine. The challenge facing hospitals is ...
I am thankful to my daughter for telling me about the ICRC 29/03/2018, In English / Обличчя МКЧХ Karoly Korcsmar is an engineer working in the ICRC office in Donetsk. Karoly, when and how did you start to work for the ...
ICRC Activities Highlights, February 2018 26/03/2018, In English Facts & Figures is an overview of ICRC Ukraine activities in various areas, including health care, water and habitat, economic security, restoring family ...