Humanitarian Aspects of Surging COVID-19 Deaths 06/05/2021, About Us / Civilians / Health & Safety India`s COVID19 second wave is rapidly rising. For the last week, over 350,000 new infections are being reported each day. The death toll ...
COVID-19 and Management of the Dead in Tribal Communities 04/09/2020, About Us / South Asia The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has meant that last rites have to be accelerated and adapted to minimise the number of people ...
COVID-19: “An Explosive Situation in Terms of the Number and Volume of Humanitarian Needs” 10/07/2020, About Us / Global / Health & Safety Months into the COVID-19 pandemic, the world continues to grapple with several unknowns. The ICRC, one of the largest humanitarian organisations with presence ...
COVID-19: ORF-ICRC Webinar on Securing Healthcare Online 08/07/2020, Global / Health & Safety The COVID-19 pandemic has put an extreme strain on the healthcare sector. In the midst of this crisis, a few countries have also ...
“As doctors, we serve as gatekeepers – first in, last out” 01/07/2020, Health & Safety / India Since the beginning of the pandemic, doctors and healthcare personnel have been at the forefront, providing critical care to the most vulnerable sections ...
COVID-19: ICRC and GFSU hold Webinar on Management of the Dead 17/06/2020, Health & Safety / India The International Centre for Humanitarian Forensics (ICHF) in Gandhinagar, Gujarat, is holding a webinar on ‘Management of the Dead – Ensuring their Protection ...