Humanitarian Aspects of Surging COVID-19 Deaths 06/05/2021, About Us / Civilians / Health & Safety India`s COVID19 second wave is rapidly rising. For the last week, over 350,000 new infections are being reported each day. The death toll ...
COVID-19: Sikhism and Management of the Dead 29/12/2020, Health & Safety / South Asia Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, last rites across communities and faiths around the world have been accelerated and adapted to minimise ...
COVID-19 Vaccine: Ensuring People Affected by Armed Conflict are Not Forgotten 03/12/2020, Global / Health & Safety Geneva (ICRC) – As vaccines for COVID-19 become available, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) hopes to ensure that people affected ...
COVID-19: Virtual Roundtable on Managing the Dead in a Dignified Manner 19/10/2020, Global / Health & Safety / India Since the onset of the pandemic, numerous guidelines, protocols, and policies have been formulated and widely shared to safely and professionally manage the ...
Mental Health and COVID-19: Strategies for Mitigation 09/10/2020, About Us / Global / Health & SafetyDr Meenakshi Banerjee On the occasion of World Mental Health Day, Dr Meenakshi Banerjee, a clinical psychology expert, delineates the mental health impact of the ...
COVID-19 Affecting Mental Health of One in Two People: Red Cross Survey 08/10/2020, Global / Health & Safety Geneva (ICRC/IFRC) – Half of all respondents – 51 percent – in a seven-country survey said that the COVID-19 pandemic has negatively affected ...