Inviting applications for media workshop on ‘ethics of reporting in emergencies’ 26/07/2019, Media/Reporting The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) is conducting a two-day workshop for journalists/photojournalists on 21-22 August 2019 in New Delhi. In ...
PII-ICRC Annual Awards Go Regional – Entries Invited from India, Bhutan, Nepal and the Maldives 22/05/2018, Media/Reporting / South Asia For the first time, the Press Institute of India (PII), Chennai and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), New Delhi are ...
ICRC Invites Applications for Enable Makeathon 2.0 25/08/2017, Global / Health & Safety / Videos The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and its partners invite persons with disabilities, designers, engineers, humanitarians and entrepreneurs to join forces ...