5th South Asian Regional Conference on IHL in Nepal next week 04/04/2014, International Humanitarian Law / South Asia / Women and War The ICRC is pleased to coordinate the Fifth South Asian Conference on International Humanitarian Law ...
Sexual violence in armed conflict: Spotlight on the invisible crime 02/04/2014, Commentaries / International Humanitarian Law / South Asia / Women and War For the past year, the ICRC has been drawing attention to the largely invisible problem ...
International Women’s Day: Bringing sexual violence out of the shadows of war 10/03/2014, Global / Women and War International Women’s Day was celebrated across the globe on 8 March 2014 and with the discussion on issues concerning women still on, the ...
International Women’s Day: Women on the edge of the abyss 08/03/2014, Commentaries / India / Women and War The blogosphere is a good place to set down thoughts on subjects dredged from the complex realities of the times we live in, ...
International Women’s Day: Sexual violence in focus 08/03/2014, India / International Humanitarian Law / Women and War “You will hear and you will be told, that the face you burned is the ...
‘I now have better understanding of situations we commonly face in line of duty’ 07/03/2014, Armed and Security Forces / India / International Humanitarian Law / Women and War India, which is the third largest contributor to UN peacekeeping missions after Pakistan and Bangladesh, ...