In emergency cases, timely and effective care can reduce morbidity and mortality. Consequently, the ICRC supported the Directorate of Health Services, Jammu (DHSJ) and the Directorate of Health Services, Kashmir (DHSK) in conducting Basic Emergency Care (BEC) training and BEC Training of Trainers (ToT) from 31 January to 17 February 2023 at their Skill and Simulation Centres, to strengthen emergency health care services. Similar capacity-building initiatives were conducted in Jammu in 2022, but this was the first initiative in Kashmir since 2019.
27 BEC providers attended the event, and seven BEC potential trainers were identified and underwent ToT. Medical officers/consultants from 25 government medical centres of 12 districts of Jammu & Kashmir (J&K) and auxiliary medical staff received training during the programme.
Basic Emergency Course, Srinagar
The Director of Health Services, DHSK, noted that recent trends in heart attacks had prompted the need for such courses to increase. He also thanked the trainees for their cooperation and support.
The participants thanked the ICRC, DHS, the Master trainers, the facilitators and all others involved in organizing such an enriching and captivating course.
For frontline providers who manage acute life-threatening conditions with limited resources, the BEC course was developed by the ICRC in collaboration with World Health Organization (WHO) and International Federation for Emergency Medicine (IFEM).
The BEC ToT is a two-day course for those selected by the trainers and the Master trainer. To become a trainer, the participant must first attend a BEC course, and if they have the required skills to be a trainer, they are invited to participate in a TOT. For certification as a Master trainer and the ability to conduct BEC courses independently, trainers must complete two courses and a ToT under the supervision of a Master trainer.
In terms of medical emergency response, the ICRC has references and long practices regarding the provision of immediate assistance to wounded and acutely sick people, particularly in situations with limited resources. The course enables the capacity-building of the participants to reinstate that timely and effective emergency care can positively influence the mortality and morbidity of casualties.
Basic Emergency Course, Jammu