International Nurses Day is celebrated around the world every May 12, the anniversary of Florence Nightingale’s birth. In non-global epidemic times, nurses and medical workers make up the backbone of our country’s health care system. But particularly in this age, their role has been nothing short of critical. In this episode of the podcast, we have Linda MacIntyre, the chief nurse of the American Red Cross. She heads up a network of some 16,000+ nurses and other health professionals, both volunteers and staff who bring relief to disaster victims, work in military hospitals, and collect lifesaving blood. We discuss a little of the history of nursing at the American Red Cross, bring it forward to the role of nurses today and how they are helping on the frontlines of COVID. We also hear from Jaime Burgoyne, an emergency nurse with the Canadian Red Cross who was deployed to assist Canadian travelers quarantined after returning from Wuhan, China. Hosted by Niki Clark.