West Bank: Israel Must Abide by International Humanitarian Law 13/9/2018 ICRC News Release 13 September 2018 West Bank: Israel Must Abide by International Humanitarian Law Jerusalem/Tel Aviv (ICRC) – The International ...
International Women’s Day: Across the divides 7/3/2018 The 8th of March is the day we celebrate women. What is it like to be a woman in Israel and the occupied ...
Photo Exhibition: Deprived of hope – a glimpse of life in the West Bank 30/11/2017 The ICRC cordially invites you to a photo exhibition at the Ambassador Hotel, Jerusalem 6-7 December 2017, 10:00-18:00 The exhibition presents a series ...
Photo Gallery: ICRC President Peter Maurer’s visit 14/9/2017 The president of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) visited Israel and the occupied territories last week, to take stock of ...
Photo Gallery: the daily life in West Bank and Gaza 12/9/2017 In Gaza and the West Bank, a powerful feeling of paralysis pervades. Peter Maurer, the ICRC president, who visited Israel and the occupied territories ...
Security incident forces ICRC to shut down its Ramallah office 17/5/2017, News releases and statements 16 May 2017 Jerusalem – The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) is suspending its activities in Ramallah as of today and ...
West Bank: ICRC Office in Hebron Attacked 20/4/2017, News releases and statements Jerusalem (ICRC) – The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) condemns an attack which has taken place in its office in the ...
Jerusalem and the West Bank: Checkmating violence 19/9/2016 “Chess requires cleverness, willingness, strength and toughness. These psychological aspects help develop students’ personalities, because they’re still young”, said the youth chess trainer ...
Palestinian circus brings a smile to children’s faces in Jerusalem 16/5/2016 It is 5 P.M. on a windy spring afternoon in Jerusalem. Despite the drastic drop in temperatures, in the East side of the ...
When a village in the West Bank became “one” again 14/5/2016 Almost 12 years after the Barrier’s construction, Israeli authorities rerouted the part of the Barrier next to Azzoun Atmeh in the West Bank, ...