Gaza: Challenges and priorities 10/9/2014 As an open-ended cease fire promises relief from a 51-day conflict in Gaza, the ICRC and its partner, the Palestine Red Crescent Society ...
Jordan: More Syrian refugees seeking shelter 7/9/2014 With no solution to the Syrian crisis in sight, people are still crossing into Jordan in search of a safe haven. Many are ...
Interview with ICRC Health Delegate 4/9/2014 “If people don’t have access to their hospitals, where are they meant to go?” asks Kirrily Clarke, our Hospital Project Manager in Gaza. ...
150 years of humanitarian action: Rules to limit suffering 4/9/2014, IHL Even war has limits. The rules established by international humanitarian law protect those who are not, or no longer, participating in the hostilities ...
Ukraine: Lugansk population in dire need 1/9/2014, News releases and statements 23-08-2014 News Release Geneva / Kiev / Moscow (ICRC) – Staff from the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) report intermittent shelling ...
150 years after the first Geneva Convention, Switzerland and the ICRC call for greater respect for international humanitarian law. Joint article 27/8/2014, IHL 150 years ago to the day, the first Geneva Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded and Sick in Armed ...
Syria: ICRC steps up aid efforts across Aleppo 25/8/2014 Country-wide intensification of hostilities has claimed the lives of thousands and worsened access to water, food, and basic health-care services for tens of ...
Gaza, Israel and West Bank: No end in sight to overwhelming human cost of conflict 19/8/2014 Operational update: After two ceasefires and ICRC president visit in Israel and Gaza here is our priorities for the humanitarian action: Read the ...
Iraq: Expanding conflict puts many more lives at serious risk 19/8/2014 As fighting spreads in central and north-western Iraq, it is taking a heavy toll on civilians. Thousands have been killed or injured. Since ...
Syria: Aleppo, where parks are cemeteries 14/8/2014 Syrian photographer Hagop Vanessian talks about a series of photos he shot in the Syrian city of Aleppo, showing how people are coping ...