What objects are specially protected under IHL? 14/8/2017, IHL Civilian objects are protected from attack under general provisions of IHL. Some objects are also accorded specific protection under IHL, either because of ...
How does IHL protect refugees and internally displaced persons? 14/8/2017, IHL Refugees are people who have crossed an international frontier and are at risk, or have been victims, of persecution in their country of ...
What does IHL provide for in terms of humanitarian access and assistance? 14/8/2017, IHL Armed conflicts, whether international or non-international, give rise to significant needs for humanitarian assistance. Civilian populations are often deprived of basic necessities in ...
What does IHL say about missing persons and the restoration of family links? 14/8/2017, IHL Conflict and disasters leave more than physical wounds: in the turmoil, panic and terror, family members can be separated from one another within ...
What are the provisions of IHL governing the use and protection of the emblem? 14/8/2017, IHL The red cross, red crescent, red lion and sun, and red crystal emblems are internationally recognized symbols and the visible expression of the ...
What does IHL say about deprivation of liberty? 13/8/2017, IHL IHL protects all those who are not or are no longer taking direct part in hostilities. In addition to the general protection given ...
What is the difference between IHL and human rights law? 13/8/2017, IHL What is international human rights law? Human rights law is a set of international rules, established by treaty or custom, on the basis ...
Who is bound by IHL? 13/8/2017, IHL All parties to an armed conflict – whether States or organized non-State armed groups – are bound by treaty and customary rules of ...
Whom does IHL protect? 13/8/2017, IHL IHL protects all victims of armed conflicts, including both civilians and combatants who have laid down their arms. The nature of the protection ...
What are the Geneva Conventions and their Additional Protocols? 13/8/2017, IHL The origins of the 1949 Geneva Conventions The Geneva Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded in Armies in the ...